Rat And Mouse Killer Bait. Whole wheat bait for the effective control of rats and mice. Yes, in practice the bait attracts and kills both mice and rats.
Effectively kills rats and mice while protecting.
It is ready to use straight out of the tub and poses no chemical / poision risk for use around children, pets, and food; in fact just about anywhere.
Unlike egg-shaped rat baits, DITRAC Blox Rat Bait cannot be rolled away and are manufactured with a hole in the middle so they can be easily nailed down to prevent 'stealing and burying away from the site'." Mouse Bait Stations. Our traps are designed to catch rodents without killing them, making them ideal for homes with pets or small children. This rodenticide is packed with a powerful killer ingredient that will drop rats in two or more days, depending on the dose that the.